How tired we are of Spain as an unfair barrier between us and Europe…
How exciting it is, instead, to build something new,
more reasonable and lively, a wider future,
not against Spain, not against Europe, not against reason…
How sick we are of being menaced, insulted and unheard
by this Spain which takes from us such dizzy amounts each year!
How fed up we are with its arrogance, intolerance, contempt!
How tired we are of Spain as an unfair barrier
between us and Europe,
as a hindrance to our development and structures,
as a blockage to our voice and presence in the world,
as a burden to our language, as a dismemberment of our culture,
as an hostile rejection of our history, our nation and our laws!
How sick we are of Spain as an obsessive possession of Madrid,
of its lurking network of relentless and corrupted powers!
There was the possibility of a Spain much better than this one,
rooted on cooperation and diversity, plurilingual, plurinational,
a fair sum of efforts and voices, but they will never allow for it,
because they boast themselves as their only and eternal owners.
Dialog and diversity were on the Constitution,
but they killed its soul, and the more they kill its soul
the more preposterously they require the literal fulfilment
of its betrayed and meaningless remains.
How exciting it is, instead, to build something new,
more reasonable and lively, a wider future,
not against Spain, not against Europe, not against reason,
but trying to participate in them from a deeper freedom,
with higher efficiency and on fairer grounds.
How emboldening is to share the energy of an engaged crowd,
to struggle democratically to decide on our future and needs.
we are committed to it. We want to be empowered for it.
David Jou (Sitges, 1953) és professor de Física de la Matèria Condensada a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Paral·lelament a la seva tasca científica (sis llibres i 240 articles de recerca), Jou ha publicat 25 llibres de poesia (en català) i 10 obres d’assaig (sobre cosmologia, mecànica quàntica, neurobiologia, matèria i materialisme, temps, ciència i religió).
Estic abssolutament d’acord amb tu en tot. Hem de fer-ho ja. Estem molt fatigats amb aquesta situació. Visca Catalunya Independent.
Abssolutament d’acord amb tu en tot. Necessitem fer-ho ja. Estem molt cansats d’aquesta situació. Visca Catalunya independent.